Capturing the Amnesty Internatioal Media Awards

April 15, 2019

We were thrilled when Amnesty International contacted us again to capture their UK Media Awards! We photographed their awards in 2018 and it was such an inspiring event that we couldn't wait to see what this year’s awards had in store! At the iconic Bafta venue in Piccadilly, the Amnesty International UK Media awards are offered for exceptional journalism which stands up for human rights around the world. The prestigious awards mark the recognition of the great work done by individuals who often risk their own safety to bring cases to light and fight injustice. Hosted by BBC 4's presenter Cathy Newman and a host of journalists and inspiring speakers, it was impossible not to be moved by the passion and dedication that Amnesty have for standing up for human rights. The stories told on the evening where inspiring to say the least, and we could not help but feel uplifted by how many individuals have dedicated their lives to fight for justice, and how Amnesty supports them and their causes. We would definitely recommend having a look at Amesty Internationals website as there is some truly eye opening content on there and if you want to help make a difference you really can get involved!

Cathy Newman Hosts the Awards











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